Denison Public Art Walk

The Cultural Arts District in Downtown Denison is filled with galleries, shops, murals and statues. Join us on a walk through our historic town and enjoy the art and passion of our community. 

When you click on a location and use the directions feature, a new window in maps will open to get you where you are going. Once you are ready to go to the next location go back to your original window.

For the map key, click the icon in the top left corner. It will open the map key where you can view what the icons represent as well as isolate the type of venue you want to visit. 

There is so much to see and do, you can plan for a few hours and explore a type of art and come back another day for another type of art. You can also book a hotel or Airbnb and make a weekend out of it. We have many local restaurants, wineries and breweries to enhance your visit to Historic Downtown Denison.